Thursday, May 13, 2010


With the three guys I have dated... I try to have a strong take away from each relationship. Today... Guy #2.

Guy #2 was a self-proclaimed atheist. It would not take one long of reading my blog to discover that I am a strong Christian (I believe in Christ, I rejoice in Christ). In virtually every other aspect of our relationship we were in complete sync. There was a strong connection with us. But for me, where my testimony of Jesus Christ has been my rock... has been the one thing I could cling to no matter the storms around me... and is the driving force for how I live my life...there was left this hole.

He was not opposed to discussing religion. But, I am a feeler. Always have been and I believe I am probably always destined to be. I study. I learn. But it always seems that I take what I learn and instead of retaining the details.. the facts... I just allow it to build on how I feel. So - I am no fun to get into a deep conversation with. I just have my feelings... nothing else. If you can't relate to how I feel...and you want to understand the facts and why I feel that way... let me know and I will direct you to some gospel scholars. I can just bare my testimony of the truthfulness. I can tell you Christ lives. I will not be able to tell you all the details of the bible story that testifies of that.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints... a Mormon as many call us. Our religion is found to be 'odd' by some. I am not sure why, as our beliefs and teachings are not so peculiar. What is peculiar about our sect is the percentage of members that are faithful. That follow the teachings. For instance: Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. It is one of the ten commandments. I don't know of a Christian religion that doesn't have that one... and yet in our faith, we are encourage to live the spirit of that law. To set the Sabbath aside as a day of rest. Not to be overly lazy, but to be spiritually minded.. and avoid activities that might cause another to work (shopping).

Anyhow.... if you want to know more, just click here... I could be up all night telling you the principles and teachings of the Gospel. But, let's move on... as this is intended to be a post about the valuable lesson Guy #2 taught me.

As we would talk... and discuss my beliefs and the 'whys' of what I do... it was a time in my life that I became keenly aware of my reason for choosing to live the way I did. Many may say, "I don't drink, it is against my religion". But for me, that was NOT true. I found that was NOT the reason I did not drink alcohol, smoke, drink coffee or have premarital sex. I choose to live the way I do because I love God. I have covenanted with Him to live my life this way and I truly believe he is pleased with that decision.

Guy #2 made me get honest with myself. And by getting honest, I found that my reason for living the way I do... is real. It is not because someone told me it was a good idea. It is not because the church teaches it. These were the beginning. I was taught by my parents... I then came to know for myself that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints truly is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I knew that, I wanted to follow the teachings.. but my testimony developed beyond that. I keep these covenants now... not just because 'the church is true' but because I have a personal relationship with my Savior. I know He loves me. I love Him and desire to follow His will.

God has truly planted me in places I could grow. I am forever grateful for this opportunity to discover the whys in what I do. For now my roots grow deeper. I am stronger.

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