I didn't keep a journal through the period of time when Chris was diagnosed to when he passed. I wish I had, as I know those months were full of blessings and great spiritual experiences.
I will attempt over the next few days to capture the events at the very least. As, the events of those months changed me, my husband, our marriage and eventually my entire life...
Regret exists over not keeping a better record for my children. Their love, admiration and awe of their father would be increased a hundred fold if I had better captured his perseverance in the face of such a trial.
I have shared the story of his diagnosis. You can read that here. Following his diagnosis we were referred to a cancer institute about an hour away. It took two weeks to get an appointment. Two weeks that felt like an eternity as our lives sat in limbo. The first appointment was an all day ordeal. We met with the surgeon who viewed the cat scan done the day of his diagnosis. He also had the biopsy results, that were of course positive for cancer. The doctor just did a basic exam and then told us to come back in the afternoon. In the meantime the surgeon met with the chemotherapist and radiologist to determine the best plan of attack.
When we met with the surgeon again that afternoon the plan was laid out. Chris would go through chemotherapy and radiation together in hopes of shrinking the tumor. This would be followed up by surgery to remove a portion of the esophagus and stomach.
With the plan in place, we began to prepare.
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