Saturday, September 25, 2010


Yes, I committed that this blog would be a priority this year.

Yes, I have learned that I can write this blog on the 30th - but post it here as if I actually did it five days ago (such a handy thing I wish I could do to real life).

Yes, I am falling behind lately.

But, NO, I will no longer feel obligated to catch up when I fall behind.

I can't take the pressure.

Listen people, life is crazy busy. I am working full-time, am a single mom to three beautiful children, have a house that needs to be cleaned every now and then, and this really cute guy that I prefer to offer some attention to on occasion.

I have to let things drop sometimes... 'cause the reality of life is... I am so far from perfect! So, that's the truth. Can I stop the charades now?


  1. I'll be honest back. I absolutely love reading your blog! You are honest, real, and down to earth. However, when you don't write for a few days or a week, I think- YEAH!!! Kim's too busy living...hopefully having too much fun and enjoying kids and cute man too much to sit down and write about it. Okay, maybe that's not always the case...but that's what's in my head. You are amazing!

  2. Jessica - Thanks... I am going to take that as an extra vote to not feel guilty.

    I wish it was always fun and games that kept me away. Sometimes it is... other time it is just pure exhaustion. :)
